Fairfield High School

Creativity Excellence Success

Telephone02 9727 2111


Assessment at FHS

Assessment Policy
All students at Fairfield High Schoolwill receive a Year Assessment Handbook that sets out the details of the various tasks to be completed for each subject during the appropriate academic year.
In conjunction with this, the following rules have been developed to ensure all students are treated fairly in assessments. They apply to all situations where marks are given for the task and where the mark goes towards a student's overall result.
Years 7-10 will be required to complete and submit four assessments/year for each school subject. Note, this will be a combination of in-class tasks, take-home tasks and may include a formal examination.
Year 11 will be required to complete and submit three tasks. Year 12 students will be required to sit for no more than four tasks in their HSC Year, with these tasks meeting mandated NESA requirements and assisting students to meet the demands of the formal HSC examination.
1.   Due Dates
The School will provide a precise due date for each assessment task. At least two (2) weeks' notice of the due date must be given. The notice will also include the: weighting of the task; syllabus outcomes assessed; task description and submission instructions; and marking criteria.
2.   Late Work
For students in Years 7 to 10, penalties are managed by faculty Head Teachers.
For students in Years 11 and 12, please refer to Preliminary and HSC Assessment Handbooks issued to all students at the commencement of the course.
In either case, students will still need to submit the assessment task to demonstrate
syllabus outcomes and NESA requirements are being met.
3.   Absences from Examinations
If a student is absent from an examination, the student will still be expected to sit for the examination upon return to school. This will be negotiated at the discretion of the faculty head teacher
Valid Reasons for Late Submission of Assessment or Absence
In Years 11 – 12, if a student is absent on the date of an assessment / examination due to illness, the student must provide a Doctor's Certificate covering the date in question and present this to the teacher upon returning to school. This will prevent the incurrence of any penalty.
In Years 7 – 10, if a student is absent or unable to submit an assessment by the due date for a valid reason, the student is required to provide a note of explanation from a parent / carer to the Faculty Head Teacher who then has the discretion to impose a penalty.
4.   Malpractice 
Malpractice refers to a student's misconduct in relation to assessment and examination procedures. Students who cheat in any way, including plagiarism, making a non-serious attempt, exam misconduct or truanting for an assessment task will be awarded a zero (0) mark.
Homework Policy
Homework is an integral part of a student's overall education and is highly valued at Fairfield High School. Homework serves as a means of:
  • Encouraging students to develop the skills, confidence and motivation to study effectively on their own;
  • Consolidating and reinforcing the skills and understanding developed at school;
  • Extending school learning (for example through additional reading);
  • Providing opportunities for the involvement of parents and carers in the management of students' learning and enabling them to keep informed about school work.
Homework may include: completion of class work; wider reading, viewing and research; assignments, projects or extended tasks; revision of class work for tests and exams; organisation and preparation for the next lesson.
At Fairfield High School there is an expectation that students will: complete these tasks to the best of their ability; submit these tasks on time; and be provided with appropriate feedback.
As a general guide, it is recommended that students spend the following time each day on homework, revision and wider reading of subject related matter:
  • Years 7 – 8           60 to 90 minutes each day
  • Years 9 – 10        90 to 120 minutes each day
  • Years 11 – 12      minimum of 120 minutes each day
The School maintains ongoing communication with parents and caregivers regarding their children's progress.
Formal reports and Parent - Teacher Evenings interviews occur twice a year. Staff members are available to discuss the progress of children with parents. You will be notified of dates and times as well as being given the opportunity to book an appointment to speak with each of your children's teachers. Students will be issued with an appointment booking sheet to facilitate this process.
Teachers also contact parents via phone calls and letters home.
It is often difficult to arrange an interview with a particular teacher during lesson time.
Should you wish to arrange an interview to discuss progress of concerns, you should ring 9727 2111 and ask to speak to the Year Advisor/Head Teacher.
An appointment will then be arranged.
Please note that it will take up to four days to gather information based upon student progress reports and adequate notice is required.
Book Policy
Work books and assignments should reflect pride in your studies and clearly demonstrate quality learning in each subject.
All students must have the required work book for each lesson.
The book must be clearly named and kept in a clean condition.
A margin 2-3 cm wide must be ruled on each page except in Maths grid books and process diaries.
The date must precede each piece of work.
Writing should, unless otherwise instructed, be in blue or black pen.
Diagrams and graphs may be drawn in pencil.
All sheets should be glued in chronologically.
Handwriting should be neat and easy to read.
External Online Testing
Fairfield High School also utilises various external testing platforms to determine the needs of our students and guide teachers to plan meaningful learning activities.
Australian Centre for Education Research (ACER) Progressive Achievement Tests (PAT) in Reading, Writing and Maths are accessed for a range of purposes for Years 7-9 to track individual and class cohorts progress. These also provide a meaningful point of discussion with students and enable teachers to target areas of need.
Best Start for Year 7 in Reading and Numeracy is also providing a platform of data in 2021 with all Year 7 students completing these online tests in the first weeks of school.

Assessment Guides

These booklets contain the dates and types of assessment scheduled. 

Also included is information about and forms for the procedures for illness/misadventure on days assessment tasks are due.


Year 12 Assessment Booklet

Year 11 Assessment Booklet

Year 10 Assessment Booklet

Year 9 Assessment Booklet

Year 8 Assessment Booklet

Year 7 Assessment Booklet

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