The Student Representative Council (SRC) is a group of students elected by the student Body to represent them in all areas of school life.
Representatives nominate themselves and are then voted in by their year group. The SRC meets daily as a group daily as well as special meetings every fortnight. The group is provided with ongoing leadership training .
Year 7-10 are represented by 5 members
Year 11-12 are represented by 6 members
SEU also have two representatives which may be from any year group
The major roles and aims of the SRC include:
Responsibility for speeches at major school events
To provide a forum for the expression of student opinions and concerns
To provide a group to co-ordinate student activities, in particular to organise fund raising, events and student facilities
To provide a training ground for students to become leaders and gain leadership skills
School Captains
From the SRC representatives, two Year 12 Captains are elected by the SRC group. School Captains are leaders in the school who promote and cultivate a positive environment for students.
Debating and Public Speaking
Students are encouraged to join debating teams and public speaking teams, some of which are involved in inter-school competitions. Regular participation builds awareness of current affairs and skills in writing and presentation. In Term 1 a full day Debating Workshop is scheduled and students from Years 7-10 are encouraged to attend.
Student Voice
The SRC provides a voice for the student body. Students are encouraged to raise issues with SRC members and the SRC members bring those issues forward at meetings. The members and coordinator then decide how to tackle these issues.
The SRC is also given opportunities to have meetings with the Senior Executive of the school. This gives the Principal and the Deputies a medium to hear out students' concerns and issues.