Fairfield High School

Creativity Excellence Success

Telephone02 9727 2111



At Fairfield High School we offer a huge array of programs and initiatives that aim to nuture, challenge and extend all of our ages, interests and abilities.

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) is an initiative of the NSW Department of Education that has been progressively introduced into schools since 2005. Fairfield High School has developed a clearly structured Positive Behaviour Policy that meets the NSW Department of Education requirements.

PBL is a whole school program led by the Head Teacher Student Engagement. Fairfield High School has a proactive PBL Team, that consists of SRC students and teachers that represent each faculty in the school. Meetings are conducted every fortnight to gather and discuss data, plan lessons, refer to policies and set goals to continue supporting all staff, students and the wider community.

Students are encouraged to demonstrate positive behaviours aligned with the CARE Code and their achievements are rewarded through tokens, canteen vouchers and merit awards. The PBL Team strives for student excellence by creating engaging and innovative lessons. The lessons will continue throughout this year.

Another positive behaviour initiative that we practise is acknowledging students with a birthday card.

Each year an external survey is conducted to evaluate our PBL practices. This data is used to develop and plan initiatives for the following year.

Fairfield High School has purchased new PBL signage and this displayed in the school grounds as well in the classrooms. These signs promote positive behaviour, the CARE Code and have brightened up many areas of the playground. 

Fades and Braids

The Fades and Braids program works with our community partners at Information and Cultural Exchange (ICE). The successful program runs once a week, teaching our students on the importance of effective communication, customer service, taking pride in their work, engaging with their learning as well as improving in their behaviour and attendance.

Students are guided by professionals on how to cut, style and braid hair. This program enriches our students by equipping them with the necessary skills and experience to enter the work force as well as transition into becoming a barber.