Fairfield High School

Creativity Excellence Success

Telephone02 9727 2111


Year 12 Mentoring Program

Year 12 Mentoring Program

Year 12 Mentoring Program

The year 12 Mentoring Program has been eshablished to support students from the start of year 12 study, all the way to their Higher School Certificate (HSC). The program involves students working with a volunteer teacher and regular meetings to discuss their progress in year 12 study.. The mentoring program also includes:

  • Developing organisational skills such as creating a study timetable and organising assessment tasks
  • Goal setting
  • Understanding your learning style
  • Finding a job
  • Study skills
Students can join the program at any time and can even be mentored in groups to develop communication with their peers also studying for their HSC
the secret to getting ahead is getting started